8.6. Wallets
We minimize back-end security risks by reducing the responsibility of hot wallets that are used only for Reference and Whitelisting.
Another wallet is a cold storage wallet that is responsible for renewing the platform with new contracts and new parameters. They will later become part of the governance mechanism.
This cold wallet uses two out of three multi-wallets (https://github.com/gnosis/MultiSigWallet), and the owners of the multi-signature are all three hardware wallets. In addition to upgrading REPL tokens, the wallet can also be extended through a super-operator.
Regarding the payment method, if the user wishes to pay in the following way:
● ERC-20 based tokens (ETH or DAI) are handled by the Smart Contract On-chain and you must receive REPL directly in your wallet.
● BTC, credit card or FIAT payments are processed by third-party service merchant solutions, and REPL is released after confirmation of third-party service merchant solutions.
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